Sunday, March 26, 2006

Lost Swatch & Notes Found

Well, my bag with the swatch and notes turned out to be lurking under the chair where I keep my purse and big knitting bag. It must have jumped out when I wasn't looking. Here's a picture of it. Wow, I can see all my mistakes as I started. Glad it cooperates more now (grin). It really was that, you know - lack of cooperation on the part of the yarn and stitches. Couldn't have been lack of experience on the part of the knitter, now could it.

When I do my wash this afternoon, I'll dump this in and see how it looks after washing. Finally, I'll be able to cast on for the FLAK! Can't wait to see how it comes out.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Well I did say it's a sporadic blog (grin)

Just realized it's been a while since my last post. Well, the cable swatch is done, looks good after all, if I do say so myself. Somehow, I've managed to lose it along with the measurements I wrote down. Some days I'm just glad my head is screwed on.

As soon as I find it (the swatch) again, I'll post a picture - just love the pats on the back from the FLAK list! Somehow, they make all the swatching, tinking, frogging et. al. all worthwhile.

Ggggrrrrrrr! Just lost a battle with a pair of scissors. We were arguing over whether or not I was going to get the outer cap off a child-proof vitamin bottle and I lost. Of course, I got my tensioning finger. A bandaid really changes the tension of the knitting.